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Report No.

Electrical and structural properties of YH$$_{x}$$(${it x}$ $$sim$$3) under high pressure

Matsuoka, Takehiro*; Kitayama, Takayasu*; Shimizu, Katsuya*; Nakamoto, Yuki*; Kagayama, Tomoko*; Aoki, Katsutoshi; Oishi, Yasuo*; Takemura, Kenichi*

The electrical and structural properties of yttrium hydride YHx was studied by the in-situ measurements of the electrical resistance and X-ray diffraction up to 86 GPa. The electrical resistivity increased with applying pressure up to 10 GPa and showed a maximum which accompanied with the structural transition of metal lattice from hcp to fcc structure. In fcc phase the resistivity decreased significantly, however the value still remained larger by 4 orders of magnitude that that of pure yttrium metal. We could not confirm the insulator to metal transition up to 23 GPa. The resistivity showed another maximum in the large pressure region 40 $$sim$$ 60 GPa without the structural phase transition of metal lattice.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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