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Report No.

Neutron spectrum from the renewed cold neutron source in JRR-3 and expectation for the future upgrade project

Kaneko, Koji   ; Metoki, Naoto   ; Hazawa, Tomoya; Nagahori, Kazuhisa; Nakamura, Kiyoshi

The neutron flux and energy spectrum from the renewed cold neutron source was measured at the C2-1 beam port in the guide hall of JRR-3. We confirmed that both the absolute flux of 2$${times}$$10$$^{12}$$n/m$$^2$$s and the shape of energy spectrum were reproduced after the replacement of the liquid hydrogen tank. JAEA has a plan to increase cold neutron flux ten times as strong as that at present by introducing a new type of hydrogen tank and super mirror neutron guide in the next term.



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