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Report No.

Paring symmetry in heavy fermion superconductor probed by $$mu$$SR

Higemoto, Wataru  

Paring symmetry in a superconducting state isone of a most crucial information to understand the mechanism of the superconductivity. I report the possible paring symmetries in heavy fermion superconductors CePt$$_3$$Si and PrOs$$_4$$Sb$$_{12}$$, based on the results of muon spin rotation/relaxationmeasurements. CePt$$_3$$Si is the first example of the superconductor lacking an inversion center in the crystal structure. The muon Knight shift at 17 kOe remained unchanged on passing the temperature through $$T_c$$ down to 20 mK. This result indicates that the local spin susceptibility does not change upon the superconducting transition. PrOs$$_4$$Sb$$_{12}$$ is the heavy fermion superconductor exhibiting unconventional superconductivity. At low temperature, no reduction of muon Knight shift passing through $$T_c$$ is observed. The detail of the muon Knight shift results, including an anisotropy and a substitution effect, will be reported.



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