※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Construction and evaluation of an experimental station and reaction apparatus for the chemical reactions of aqueous solution systems with soft X rays from a sychrotron radiation light source


清水 雄一; 小池 雅人; 佐野 一雄*

Shimizu, Yuichi; Koike, Masato; Sano, Kazuo*


An efficient experimental system for the chemical reactions of various aqueous solutions using soft X-rays from synchrotron radiation has been designed, constructed, and evaluated. This system was installed at an end-station on a beamline (BL-11) at the Synchrotron Radiation Center of Ritsumeikan University. To protect the storage ring and the beamline from accidental vacuum breaks and contamination caused by unexpected solution leakage in the reaction apparatus, the system has two main protection sections: a differential vacuum pumping section equipped with orifice gaskets of very small aperture and an emergency interlocking system section equipped with a fast closing shutter etc., in addition to a safety mechanism in the reaction apparatus section. The outline of the system and preliminary experimental data obtained in the evaluation of the system are described.



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分野:Instruments & Instrumentation



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