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Report No.

Study on extraction process for U-Pu separation using N,N-di-(2-ethyl)hexylbutanamide; Analysis of separation behavior of U and Pu by a simple calculation code

Ban, Yasutoshi  ; Asakura, Toshihide; Morita, Yasuji  

Extraction behavior of U and Pu by N,N-di-(2-ethyl)hexylbutanamide (D2EHBA) in a mixer-settler type extractor was analyzed by a simple calculation code. Analysis was carried out with the consideration of acid and element concentration effects on the distribution ratios of U and Pu. A flow-sheet that gives the separation of U and Pu by adjusting nitric acid concentration without the use of Pu reductant was obtained. According to the analysis based on this flow sheet, U/Pu ratio in the Pu product stream, the ratio of Pu in raffinate, and the ratio of Pu in the Pu product stream were 1.06, less than 0.1%, and more than 99.9%, respectively.



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