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Report No.

An Intuitive understanding method for the dynamic behavior of nuclear reactor systems by package flow models

Matsuoka, Hiroshi; Kikuchi, Noriko*

A simulation approach by "Package Flow Model (PFM)" was previously proposed, which enables us to intuitively understand the dynamic behavior of various systems. The model does not directly consider the physical process of given actual system, but will replace it a simple visual mechanism (PFM) which is equivalent only in a view point of "time delay" of the system-response. A total system such as a nuclear reactor fluid system is modeled by a combination of several PFMs. Using the PFMs network, we can instantly calculate many transient phenomena of the system even by a notebook-type personal computer. Experts' intuition or experiences can be enhanced by using it with effective representation methods. In addition, PFM method has a capability to develop into an more effective simulation method of total system by including Lattice Gas Methods applied to its subsystems because the calculation processes are in common, i.e., neural networks.



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