Development of fuel microspheres fabrication by the external gelation process
Tomita, Yutaka
; Morihira, Masayuki
; Tamaki, Yoshihisa*; Nishimura, Kazuhisa*; Shoji, Shuichi*; Kihara, Yoshiyuki; Kase, Takeshi
; Koizumi, Tsutomu
JAEA has developed sphere-pac fuels in the feasibility study on commercialized FBR cycle systems as one of the candidates for low decontamination TRU fuels. Optimization of the fabrication condition for coarse spheres, development of an improved external gelation process, and examination of peculiar problems for the low decontamination fuel were carried out in Phase II. The results are shown as follows. (1) Fabrication condition of coarse spheres was optimized. (2) Feasibility of the improved external gelation process was confirmed. (3) Rare earth elements did not bring any problem for the characteristic of spheres and fabrication condition. (4) Radiation resistant data of the feed solution was acquired. Results of tests show the feasibility of the external gelation process for the low decontamination TRU fuel microsphere fabrication.