※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Oxidation performance test of detritiation system under existence of SF$$_{6}$$


小林 和容; 三浦 秀徳*; 林 巧; 星 州一; 山西 敏彦

Kobayashi, Kazuhiro; Miura, Hidenori*; Hayashi, Takumi; Hoshi, Shuichi; Yamanishi, Toshihiko


The tritium released in the building is removed by Atmosphere Detritiation System (ADS), where the tritium is oxidized by catalysts and is removed as water. Special gas of SF$$_{6}$$ is used as an electric insulation gas in ITER, and is expected to be released in an accident such as fire. Although SF$$_{6}$$ has the potential as a catalyst poison, the performance of ADS with the existence of SF$$_{6}$$ has not been confirmed yet. Therefore, to study the effect of SF$$_{6}$$, the performance tests of ADS was carried out with air containing $$sim$$1% of hydrogen, $$sim$$1% of methane and $$sim$$1% of SF$$_{6}$$. The SF$$_{6}$$ gas was notably decomposed in the case of the catalyst temperature higher than 673 K. In addition, a part of the water produced by the 473 K catalyst was reduced to hydrogen due to the reaction with the decomposed gas in SF$$_{6}$$. Consequently, the detritiation factor of ADS was decreased to less than 50 from $$>$$ 1000 of its initial value.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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