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Report No.

Outline of pulsed neutron source monitoring system

Oi, Motoki ; Sakai, Kenji ; Kaminaga, Masanori  ; Kato, Takashi

At the pulsed neutron source such as JSNS and SNS, liquid hydrogen moderators are used as cold moderator. Neutronic performance of the liquid hydrogen moderator changes depending on the hydrogen temperature and ortho/para concentration. Especially, pulse width and decay time are important for the resolution of neutron scattering experiment. To resolve these problems, I propose the pulsed neutron source monitoring system. The system monitors the neutron spectrum, proton beam current, and other facility information. Then automatically analyze and estimate real time moderator status. And more, with the long term operation, the system would be show the burn up of decoupler and poison in the moderator.



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