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Report No.

Predictive analysis of the ITER poloidal field conductor insert (PFCI) test program

Zanino, R.*; Astrov, M.*; Bagnasco, M.*; Baker, W.*; Bellina, F.*; Ciazynski, D.*; Egorov, S. A.*; Kim, K.*; Kvitkovic, J. L.*; Lacroix, B.*; Martovetsky, N.*; Mitchell, N.*; Muzzi, L.*; Nunoya, Yoshihiko; Okuno, Kiyoshi; Polak, M.*; Ribani, P. L.*; Salpietro, E.*; Richard, L.*; Sborchia, C.*; Takahashi, Yoshikazu; Weng, P.*; Wesche, R.*; Zani, L.*; Zapretilina, E.*

The PFCI will be tested at JAEA Naka, inside the bore of the ITER Central Solenoid Model Coil. The main test program are the DC characterization of the conductor, the measurement of AC losses in conductor, the hydraulic characterization, the stability and the quench propagation, and the effects of cycling electromagnetic load. Based on and in support of this test program, an extensive campaign of predictive analysis has been initiated on a subset of the above-mentioned test program items and the results of the comparison of selected predictions from different laboratories will be presented and discussed. A sudden quench at 5.7-6.2 K and 45 kA is predicted. The computed temperature increase at the winding outlet is about 0.5 K for the pulse. These results will be compared with the experiment and used for an accurate prediction of the PF coil performance.



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Category:Engineering, Electrical & Electronic



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