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Report No.

Energy emission by $$alpha$$-ray from actinides in various types of spent fuels

Morita, Yasuji  ; Tsubata, Yasuhiro   

Energy emission by $$alpha$$-ray from actinides was evaluated for various types of spent fuels (SF) to compare absorbed doses of solvents by $$alpha$$-ray in extraction process. The spent fuels evaluated in the present study were LWR UO$$_{2}$$ fuel, LWR MOX fuel, FBR fuel with U and Pu (FBR(Pu)) and FBR fuel with MA recycle (FBR(MA)). When the solvent contains 0.4 M of U and Pu as the total concentration, the adsorbed dose rate of the solvent by $$alpha$$-ray from the extracted U and Pu was 0.016 Gy/s for LWR UO$$_{2}$$ fuel cooled for 5 years. The dose rate for LWR-MOX, FBR(Pu) and for FBR(MA) was 6.4 times, 16.4 times and 15.8 times higher than that for LWR-UO$$_{2}$$, respectively. The absorbed dose rate of the solvent which contains Am, Cm and rare earth elements with the total concentration of 0.04 M was 0.071 Gy/s for 5-year cooled LWR-UO$$_{2}$$ and 0.74 Gy/s for LWR-MOX.



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