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Report No.

Structural basis for the fast phase change of Ge$$_{2}$$Sb$$_{2}$$Te$$_{5}$$; Ring statistics analogy between the crystal and amorphous states

Kohara, Shinji*; Kato, Kenichi*; Kimura, Shigeru*; Tanaka, Hitoshi*; Usuki, Takeshi*; Suzuya, Kentaro; Tanaka, Hiroshi*; Moritomo, Yutaka*; Matsunaga, Toshiyuki*; Yamada, Noboru*; Tanaka, Yoshihito*; Suematsu, Hiroyoshi*; Takata, Masaki*

The three-dimensional atomic configuration of amorphous Ge$$_{2}$$Sb$$_{2}$$Te$$_{5}$$ were derived by reverse Monte Carlo simulation with synchrotron-radiation X-ray diffraction data. The authors found that amorphous Ge$$_{2}$$Sb$$_{2}$$Te$$_{5}$$ can be regarded as "even-numbered ring structure", because the ring statistics is dominated by four- and six-fold rings analogous to the crystal phase. On the other hand, the formation of Ge-Ge homopolar bonds in amorphous GeTe constructs both odd- and even-numbered rings. They believe that the unusual ring statistics of amorphous Ge$$_{2}$$Sb$$_{2}$$Te$$_{5}$$ is the key for the fast crystallization speed of the material.



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Category:Physics, Applied



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