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Report No.

Disruption scenarios, their mitigation and operation window in ITER

Shimada, Michiya; Sugihara, Masayoshi; Fujieda, Hirobumi*; Gribov, Y.*; Ioki, Kimihiro*; Kawano, Yasunori; Khayrutdinov, R.*; Lukash, V.*; Omori, Junji

Several representative disruption scenarios are specified and disruption simulations are performed with the DINA code and EM load analyses with the 3D FEM code for these scenarios based on newly derived physics guidelines. Although some margin is confirmed in the EM loads due to induced eddy and halo currents on the in-vessel components for all of the representative scenarios, but the margin is not large. The heat load on various parts of the first wall due to vertical movements and thermal quenches is calculated. The beryllium wall will not melt during vertical movement. Melting is anticipated at the thermal quench during a VDE, though its impact could be reduced substantially by implementing a reliable detection and mitigation system, e.g., massive gas injection. With unmitigated disruptions, the loss of beryllium layer is expected to be within 30 $$mu$$m/event out of 10 mm thick beryllium first wall.



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