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Report No.

Synthesis of visible-light-responding photocatalyst by nitrogen and sulfur co-doping to TiO$$_{2}$$

Umino, Hideo*; Katsuta, Hiroji*; Ito, Kazuaki*; Soma, Mitsue*; Yamamoto, Shunya; Takano, Katsuyoshi; Yoshikawa, Masahito

TiO$$_{2}$$ powder doped with sulfur and nitrogen has been studied for the synthesis of photocatalyst working under the visible light. Samples were synthesized by heart treatment of titanium disulfide powders at temperatures range from 400 to 650$$^{circ}$$C in nitrogen, oxygen and ammonia mixtures using an electric furnace. The crystalline structure of sample powders heat-treated at 400$$^{circ}$$C shows anatase and rutile structures and then changes to rutile structure at 650$$^{circ}$$C. The optical absorption at visible light region was observed in the sample powders heat-treated at temperatures range from 400 to 500$$^{circ}$$C. Furthermore, photocatalytic reaction of the synthesized powders using visible light was confirmed by decomposition of 2-propanol. We decided the synthetic condition of visible-light-responding photocatalyst.



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