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Report No.

Development of ITER diagnostic upper port plug

Sato, Kazuyoshi; Omori, Junji; Ebisawa, Katsuyuki*; Kusama, Yoshinori; Neyatani, Yuzuru

A part of diagnostic device in vacuum vessel is planned to install in the port plug to make sure the line of sight of diagnostics. Only basic concept is shown for the port plug since design of diagnostic devices has not been substantiated yet. The integration design of the port plug has been performed and the structure concept for electro-magnetic and neutron load has been investigated as for the No.11 upper port plug to confirm reliability of the proposed design. Three diagnostics will be installed in the No.11 upper port plug, the edge Thomson scattering system, the visible-IR TV divertor viewing system and the neutron activation system. To integrate theses diagnostic systems in the port plug, it was designed the arrangement of the labyrinth of optical path, the driving mechanism and cooling systems for shutters and mirrors, the maintenance space. The part just behind the blanket shield module (BSM) was changed to secure a space for maintenance and for associated diagnostic first mirror and shutter, whereas this place is assigned for neutron shielding in the present design. The BSM support, which is main component to apply the electro-magnetic load, was arranged with optical path inside BSM.



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