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Report No.

Data analysis on glovebox size reduction activity in glovebox dismantling facility

Kitamura, Akihiro   ; Nakamichi, Shinya  ; Okada, Takashi 

Data on glovebox dismantling activities in the Glovebox Dismantling Facility (GDF) were analyzed to identify the work structure and the time consumed for each activity. As a result, we were able to categorize dismantling activities regarding time estimation point of view. The activities those of which variations are around 30% or less, were defined as "predictable activities", and activities those of which total time is small compare to the whole dismantling work were defined as "suppressible activities", and other as "unpredictable activities". In terms of these definition the time interval for unit activity were evaluated and found that almost all of the work can be predicted within 30% uncertainly.



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