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Report No.

Development of magnetic probe; Application and result of AT-probes to JT-60U (Joint research)

Yagyu, Junichi; Sasajima, Tadayuki; Miyo, Yasuhiko; Sakakibara, Satoru*; Kawamata, Yoichi

The feedback control of the plasma position and shape based on signals of magnetic probes is performed on JT-60. The fabrication cost of these magnetic probes is very high. Therefore, the cost reduction is required for the use in a next device. On the other hand, the magnetic field measurement in three axial directions with the advanced technology (AT) probes is simultaneously made on LHD of NIFS. The AT-probe has been developed at a low fabrication cost and in compact size and light weight. The possibility of application of the AT-probe in a Tokamak device (JT-60U) has been investigated in collaboration between JAEA and NIFS. We designed and fabricated the casing and interface for the AT-probe, and installed it under the first wall of JT-60U. A comparison of output signals between the installed AT-probe and a existing magnetic probe was made. Tests have been carried out to evaluate the vibration resistance and the radioactive resistance through about two thousand shots with high performance plasmas including one hundred disruption shots in JT-60U. As a result, the AT-probe has a good performance and an enough usable prospect in environment of the Tokamak device.



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