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Neutron cross section measurements at n-TOF for ADS related studies


Mastinu, P. F.*; Abbondanno, U.*; Aerts, G.*; $'A$lvarez, H.*; Alvarez-Velarde, F.*; Andriamonje, S.*; Andrzejewski, J.*; Assimakopoulos, P.*; Audouin, L.*; Badurek, G.*; Bustreo, N.*; Baumann, P.*; Bev$'a$, F.*; Berthoumieux, E.*; Calvi$~n$o, F.*; Cano-Ott, D.*; Capote, R.*; Carrillo de Albornoz, A.*; Cennini, P.*; Chepel, V.*; Chiaveri, E.*; Colonna, N.*; Cortes, G.*; Couture, A.*; Cox, J.*; Dahlfors, M.*; David, S.*; Dillman, I.*; Dolfini, R.*; Domingo-Pardo, C.*; Dridi, W.*; Dur$'a$n, I.*; Eleftheriadis, C.*; Embid-Segura, M.*; Ferrant, L.*; Ferrari, A.*; Ferreira-Marques, R.*; Fitzpatrick, L.*; Frais-K$"o$lbl, H.*; 藤井 香織*; Furman, W.*; Guerrero, C.*; Goncalves, I.*; Gallino, R.*; Gonzalez-Romero, E.*; Goverdovski, A.*; Gramegna, F.*; Griesmayer, E.*; Gunsing, F.*; Haas, B.*; Haight, R.*; Heil, M.*; Herrera-Martinez, A.*; 井頭 政之*; Isaev, S.*; Jericha, E.*; Kadi, Y.*; K$"a$ppeler, F.*; Karamanis, D.*; Karadimos, D.*; Kerveno, M.*; Ketlerov, V.*; Koehler, P.*; Konovalov, V.*; Kossionides, E.*; Krti$v{c}$ka, M.*; Lamboudis, C.*; Leeb, H.*; Lindote, A.*; Lopes, I.*; Lozano, M.*; Lukic, S.*; Marganiec, J.*; Marques, L.*; Marrone, S.*; Massimi, C.*; Mengoni, A.*; Milazzo, P. M.*; Moreau, C.*; Mosconi, M.*; Neves, F.*; Oberhummer, H.*; O'Brien, S.*; 大島 真澄; Pancin, J.*; Papachristodoulou, C.*; Papadopoulos, C.*; Paradela, C.*; Patronis, N.*; Pavlik, A.*; Pavlopoulos, P.*; Perrot, L.*; Plag, R.*; Plompen, A.*; Plukis, A.*; Poch, A.*; Pretel, C.*; Quesada, J.*; Rauscher, T.*; Reifarth, R.*; Rosetti, M.*; Rubbia, C.*; Rudolf, G.*; Rullhusen, P.*; Salgado, J.*; Sarchiapone, L.*; Savvidis, I.*; Stephan, C.*; Tagliente, G.*; Tain, J. L.*; Tassan-Got, L.*; Tavora, L.*; Terlizzi, R.*; Vannini, G.*; Vaz, P.*; Ventura, A.*; Villamarin, D.*; Vincente, M. C.*; Vlachoudis, V.*; Vlastou, R.*; Voss, F.*; Walter, S.*; Wendler, H.*; Wiescher, M.*; Wisshak, K.*

Mastinu, P. F.*; Abbondanno, U.*; Aerts, G.*; $'A$lvarez, H.*; Alvarez-Velarde, F.*; Andriamonje, S.*; Andrzejewski, J.*; Assimakopoulos, P.*; Audouin, L.*; Badurek, G.*; Bustreo, N.*; Baumann, P.*; Bev$'a$, F.*; Berthoumieux, E.*; Calvi$~n$o, F.*; Cano-Ott, D.*; Capote, R.*; Carrillo de Albornoz, A.*; Cennini, P.*; Chepel, V.*; Chiaveri, E.*; Colonna, N.*; Cortes, G.*; Couture, A.*; Cox, J.*; Dahlfors, M.*; David, S.*; Dillman, I.*; Dolfini, R.*; Domingo-Pardo, C.*; Dridi, W.*; Dur$'a$n, I.*; Eleftheriadis, C.*; Embid-Segura, M.*; Ferrant, L.*; Ferrari, A.*; Ferreira-Marques, R.*; Fitzpatrick, L.*; Frais-K$"o$lbl, H.*; Fujii, Kaori*; Furman, W.*; Guerrero, C.*; Goncalves, I.*; Gallino, R.*; Gonzalez-Romero, E.*; Goverdovski, A.*; Gramegna, F.*; Griesmayer, E.*; Gunsing, F.*; Haas, B.*; Haight, R.*; Heil, M.*; Herrera-Martinez, A.*; Igashira, Masayuki*; Isaev, S.*; Jericha, E.*; Kadi, Y.*; K$"a$ppeler, F.*; Karamanis, D.*; Karadimos, D.*; Kerveno, M.*; Ketlerov, V.*; Koehler, P.*; Konovalov, V.*; Kossionides, E.*; Krti$v{c}$ka, M.*; Lamboudis, C.*; Leeb, H.*; Lindote, A.*; Lopes, I.*; Lozano, M.*; Lukic, S.*; Marganiec, J.*; Marques, L.*; Marrone, S.*; Massimi, C.*; Mengoni, A.*; Milazzo, P. M.*; Moreau, C.*; Mosconi, M.*; Neves, F.*; Oberhummer, H.*; O'Brien, S.*; Oshima, Masumi; Pancin, J.*; Papachristodoulou, C.*; Papadopoulos, C.*; Paradela, C.*; Patronis, N.*; Pavlik, A.*; Pavlopoulos, P.*; Perrot, L.*; Plag, R.*; Plompen, A.*; Plukis, A.*; Poch, A.*; Pretel, C.*; Quesada, J.*; Rauscher, T.*; Reifarth, R.*; Rosetti, M.*; Rubbia, C.*; Rudolf, G.*; Rullhusen, P.*; Salgado, J.*; Sarchiapone, L.*; Savvidis, I.*; Stephan, C.*; Tagliente, G.*; Tain, J. L.*; Tassan-Got, L.*; Tavora, L.*; Terlizzi, R.*; Vannini, G.*; Vaz, P.*; Ventura, A.*; Villamarin, D.*; Vincente, M. C.*; Vlachoudis, V.*; Vlastou, R.*; Voss, F.*; Walter, S.*; Wendler, H.*; Wiescher, M.*; Wisshak, K.*


A neutron Time-of-Flight facility (n_TOF) is operative at CERN since 2001. The innovative features of the neutron beam, in particular the high instantaneous flux, the wide energy range, the high resolution and the low background, makes this facility unique for measurements of neutron induced reactions relevant to the field of Emerging Nuclear Technologies, as well as to Nuclear Astrophysics and fundamental Nuclear Physics. The scientific motivations that have led to the construction of this new facility are here presented.



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