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Report No.

Conceptual design of divertor cassette handling by remote handling system for JT-60SA

Hayashi, Takao; Sakurai, Shinji; Masaki, Kei; Tamai, Hiroshi ; Yoshida, Kiyoshi; Matsukawa, Makoto

The JT-60SA aims to contribute and supplement ITER toward DEMO reactor based on tokamak concept. One of the features of JT-60SA is its high power long pulse heating, causing the large annual neutron fluence. Because the expected dose rate at the vacuum vessel (VV) may exceed 1 mSv/hr after 10 years operation and three month cooling, the human access inside the VV is prohibited. Therefore a remote handling (RH) system is necessary for the maintenance and repair of in-vessel components. This paper described the RH system of JT-60SA, especially the expansion of the RH rail and exchange of the divertor modules. A divertor module, which is 10 degrees wide in toroidal direction and weighs 500 kg itself due to the limitations of port width and handling weight, can be exchanged by heavy weight manipulator (HWM). The HWM brings the divertor module to the front of the other RH port. Then another RH device receives and brings out the module by a pallet installed from outside the VV.



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