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Report No.

Solidus and liquidus temperatures in the UO$$_{2}$$-PuO$$_{2}$$ system

Kato, Masato   ; Morimoto, Kyoichi ; Sugata, Hiromasa*; Konashi, Kenji*; Kashimura, Motoaki; Abe, Tomoyuki

The melting of plutonium and uranium mixed oxide (MOX) containing Pu of more than 30% was investigated using a tungsten capsule and a rhenium inner capsule. In the conventional measurement of MOX in the tungsten capsule, a liquid phase of tungsten and plutonium oxide appeared in the MOX during melting. This liquid phase was found to have an effect on the measurement of melting point. Therefore the rhenium inner capsule was used to avoid the effect. The solidus and liquidus temperatures in the UO$$_{2}$$-PuO$$_{2}$$ system were decided from the MOX data measured using the rhenium capsule, and the effect of the Am content on the solidus temperature was evaluated. The variation of the solidus and liquidus temperatures in the UO$$_{2}$$-PuO$$_{2}$$-AmO$$_{2}$$ ternary system was represented to an accuracy of $$sigma$$=$$pm$$9K and $$sigma$$=$$pm$$16K, respectively, by the ideal solution model.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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