※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

確率論的中空燃料設計手法の開発; BORNFREE-CEPTARコードの開発・整備

Development of probabilistic design method for annular fuel; Development of BORNFREE-CEPTAR code

小澤 隆之   

Ozawa, Takayuki


The increase of linear power and burn-up is considered as one of measures for the utility of fast reactor in future, and then the application of annular fuels is under consideration. In this study, we developed the probabilitsic code BORNFREE-CEPTAR code to develop the reasonable design method for annular fuels. As the results of probability evaluation of fuel melting at the transient, the melting probability for annular fuels was estimated to be approximately two figures lower than that for solid fuels, and the remarkable decrease of melting probability was seen in the estimation results for solid fuels. On the other hand, the results for annular fuels indicated that this effect was comparably small. In addition, the permissive linear power for annular fuels tended to enhance from that for solid fuels under the similar fuel melting probability condition. This indicated the possibility of higher linear power operation for high-density annular fuels than low-density solid fuels.



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