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 年 ~ 


Research on advanced technology of performance assessment for geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste (Joint research)

地層処分研究開発部門; 原子力環境整備促進・資金管理センター 事業環境調査研究プロジェクト*

Geological Isolation Research and Development Directorate; Advanced Waste System Research Project, Radioactive Waste Management Funding and Research Center*


Research on advanced technology of performance assessment for geological disposal of high-level redioactive waste has been performed by a joint research program between JAEA and RWMC using their own technology and know-how. The following 5 items have been considered in the program. (1)Planning of basic strategy for development of analysis technology on nuclides migration for various scales, (2)Development of analysis technology for a scale of vitrified waste, (3)Development of analysis technology for a scale of disposal facility, (4)Development of integration technology for geochemical information, (5)Development of understanding promotion technology for logic to explain safety Based on the overall plan defined in this year, it would be important to continue the concrete research and development to resolve the subjects in the future.



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