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Report No.

Establishment of a database for Japan Sea parameters on marine environment and radioactivity (JASPER), 1; Anthropogenic radionuclides (Contract research)

Ito, Toshimichi ; Otosaka, Shigeyoshi  ; Suzuki, Takashi  ; Tanaka, Takayuki; Tsuneyama, Teppei; Togawa, Orihiko 

The database for the Japan Sea parameters on marine environment and radionuclides (JASPER) is established by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency as one of the final products of the Japan Sea Expeditions (phase I) carried out covering the EEZs of Japan and Russian Federation. And now, the part for anthropogenic radionuclides in the JASPER database is opened to the public, prior to the release of succeeding parts including other radionuclides, chemical tracers and oceanographic parameters. In the present, 253 data records are stored in the database including 193 data for $$^{90}$$Sr and $$^{137}$$Cs, 163 data for $$^{238}$$Pu and 236 data for $$^{239+240}$$Pu obtained from seawater, seabed sediment and filtered particle with support data. By establishing the database, recent feature of the Japan Sea environment has been recorded using every possible parameter for us. We believe that this database might be a strong tool for the purposes of monitoring for contamination of the Japan Sea by anthropogenic radionuclides, study of material transport in the sea and development and validation of models for numerical simulations. Furthermore, it is being prepared that the database are linked to MARIS of IAEA-MEL in order to contribute the world-wide study and monitoring of anthropogenic radionuclides in marine environment.



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