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Momentum-dependent charge excitations of a two-leg ladder; Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering of (La,Sr,Ca)$$_{14}$$Cu$$_{24}$$O$$_{41}$$

Ishii, Kenji; Tsutsui, Kenji*; Toyama, Takami*; Inami, Toshiya; Mizuki, Junichiro; Murakami, Yoichi*; Endo, Yasuo*; Maekawa, Sadamichi*; Kudo, Kazutaka*; Koike, Yoji*; Kumagai, Kenichi*

(La,Sr,Ca)$$_{14}$$Cu$$_{24}$$O$$_{41}$$ is an attractive material in connection with high-$$T_{rm c}$$ superconductivity because Sr$$_{0.4}$$Ca$$_{13.6}$$Cu$$_{24}$$O$$_{41}$$ becomes a superconductor under high pressure without the CuO$$_2$$ planes. We present RIXS at the Cu $$K$$-edge of (La,Sr,Ca)$$_{14}$$Cu$$_{24}$$O$$_{41}$$ focusing on the momentum dependence of interband excitation across the Mott gap and the intraband excitation below the gap as a function of hole concentration. The experimental results are consistent with the theoretical predictions.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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