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Report No.

Performance test of the Japanese ENGIN-X type linear scintillation neutron detector

Nakamura, Tatsuya  ; Sakasai, Kaoru  ; Katagiri, Masaki; Birumachi, Atsushi; Hosoya, Takaaki; Soyama, Kazuhiko  ; Sato, Setsuo*; Shooneveld, E.*; Rhodes, N.*

The ENGIN-X type linear scintillation neutron detector was manufactured in Japan and the detector performances were evaluated. The ENGIN-X type linear scintillation neutron detector was originally developed by the detector group in Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and the Japanese prototype detector was identical to that which is one of the detector modules installed in the ENGIN-X diffractometer at ISIS pulsed neutron source. The prototype detector can install 240 elements of neutron-sensitive scintillator, where each element has 3 mm in width and 196 mm in length. The prototype detector exhibited a spatial resolution of 3 mm, detection efficiency of 64% for neutrons with wave-lengths of 1.8${AA}$, count uniformity of 6$$sim$$7%, $$^{60}$$Co $$gamma$$ sensitivity of $$sim$$5$$times$$10$$^{-7}$$. Technological transfer to the Japanese manufacturer was done successfully and the mass production of these detectors for the J-PARC project is feasible.



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