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Study of superconductivity in a two-orbital Hubbard model on a square lattice

久保 勝規 

Kubo, Katsunori


Orbital degree of freedom of electrons is an important ingredient to determine physical properties. In particular, effects of orbital degree of freedom on magnetism have been studied intensively. In recent years, superconductivity in systems with orbital degree of freedom has been studied, and some theoretical studies have been done for such materials. However, it is still important to study relatively simple models to grasp the role of orbital degree of freedom in superconductivity. For a pairing state composed of electrons with antisymmetrical orbital states, even-parity spin-triplet states such as an $$s$$-wave triplet state and odd-parity spin-singlet states such as a $$p$$-wave singlet state are possible. To investigate such exotic superconductivity, we apply fluctuation exchange approximation toan two-orbital Hubbard model on a square lattice. Then, we find that $$s$$-wave triplet and $$p$$-wave singlet states appears for a region where the electron number $$n$$ per site is around 1.



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