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バイオ実験で失敗しない!; 抽出・精製・組換えタンパク質発現・抗体作製の実践的ノウハウと、最適な試薬・機器の選択&活用法

Know-how for recombinant protein expression and purification

本庄 栄二郎; 黒木 良太; 小堀 博史*; 高蔵 晃*; 矢幡 一英*; 曽根 岳史*; 今本 文男*; 森山 達哉*

Honjo, Eijiro; Kuroki, Ryota; Kobori, Hiroshi*; Takakura, Hikaru*; Yahata, Kazuhide*; Sone, Takefumi*; Imamoto, Fumio*; Moriyama, Tatsuya*


Protein expression and purification are important techniques for protein scientists. Especially in the field of molecular biology, the researchers often requires for some know-how on protein handling based on biochemical information. This book is aimed at introducing an overview of recombinant protein expression and purification, and furthermore providing experimental know-how about the selection of analytical reagents or instruments.



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