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Report No.

Effect of sulfur dioxide partial pressure on the reaction of iodine, sulfur dioxide and water

Imai, Yoshiyuki  ; Nakajima, Hayato; Kasahara, Seiji  ; Kubo, Shinji  ; Onuki, Kaoru

Effect of sulfur dioxide partial pressure on the reaction of iodine, sulfur dioxide and water, which is a unit reaction of thermochemical hydrogen production IS process, was studied experimentally under iodine saturated condition. Quasi-equilibrium state was observed in the presence of sulfur dioxide gas of constant pressure. The composition of the poly-hydriodic acid solution was discussed assuming an ideal desulfurization using the reverse reaction of the Bunsen reaction. The value of HI/(HI+H$$_{2}$$O) of the desulfurized solution was high in great sulfur dioxide pressure.



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