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 年 ~ 

A Proposal of ITER vacuum vessel fabrication specification and results of the full-scale partial mock-up test


中平 昌隆; 武田 信和; 角舘 聡; 小野塚 正紀*

Nakahira, Masataka; Takeda, Nobukazu; Kakudate, Satoshi; Onozuka, Masanori*


The structure and fabrication methods of the ITER vacuum vessel have been investigated and defined by the ITER international team. However, some of the current specifications are very difficult to be achieved from the manufacturing point of view and will lead to cost increase. This report summarizes the Japanese proposed specification of the VV mock-up describing differences between the ITER supplied design. A series of the fabrication and assembly procedures for the mock-up are presented in this report, together with candidates of welding configurations. Finally, the report summarizes the results of mock-up fabrication, including results of non-destructive examination of weld lines, obtained welding deformation and issues revealed from the fabrication experience.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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