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Report No.

Studies of $$^{rm 213g,m}$$Ra and $$^{rm 214g,m}$$Ra by $$alpha$$ and $$gamma$$ decay

Kuusiniemi, P.*; He${ss}$berger, F. P.*; Ackermann, D.*; Antalic, S.*; Hofmann, S.*; Nishio, Katsuhisa   ; Sulignano, B.*; Kojouharov, I.*; Mann, R.*

Decay properties of $$^{214}$$Ra and $$^{213}$$Ra were invesigated by $$alpha$$-$$gamma$$ spectroscopy. The nculei were produced by the fusion raction $$^{170}$$Er($$^{48}$$Ca,$$x$$n)$$^{218-x}$$Ra and $$alpha$$ decay daughter of $$^{217}$$Th produced by $$^{170}$$Er($$^{50}$$Ti,3n). The evaporation residues were separated in flight by the velocity filter SHIP and the $$alpha$$ particle and $$gamma$$ ray were detected by silocon detectors and Ge detectors, respectively, located at the focal plane. In this experiments we found the followings. (1) The $$alpha$$ decay of $$^{213}$$Ra popultaing the excitated sates in $$^{209}$$Rn was coincided with the $$gamma$$ decay. From this data, we have newly assigned spins and parities for the three levels in $$^{209}$$Rn. (2) We have firstly observed the $$alpha$$ transition from the 8$$^{+}$$ isomeric state in $$^{214}$$Ra to the 8$$^{+}$$ isomeric state in $$^{210}$$Rn. The hindrace factor in this transition was determined to be 1.0, confirming that these levels have same spins.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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