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Report No.

Magnetic response in the superconducting state of $$1H$$-Ca(Al$$_{0.5}$$Si$$_{0.5}$$)$$_2$$ studied by $$mu$$SR

Kuroiwa, Sogo*; Takagiwa, Hiroyuki*; Yamazawa, Maki*; Tomita, Yoko*; Akimitsu, Jun*; Oishi, Kazuki; Koda, Akihiro*; Saha, S. R.*; Kadono, Ryosuke*; Higemoto, Wataru  

Magnetic field dependence of the effective penetration depth ($$lambda$$) determined by $$mu$$SR is reported for $$1H$$-Ca(Al$$_{0.5}$$Si$$_{0.5}$$)$$_2$$, a structurally new phase of Ca(Al$$_{0.5}$$Si$$_{0.5}$$)$$_2$$. The new phase has an AlB$$_2$$-type crystal structure with $$P$$3 symmetry which, in contrast to earlier reports, does not exhibit superlattice structure along the $$c$$-axis. The bulk susceptibility measurement indicates that the upper critical field is much lower than that in superstructured ones for both $$c$$- and $$a$$-axis directions. A weak anisotropy in the superconducting order parameter is suggested from the increase of $$lambda$$ with increasing external field.



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Category:Physics, Condensed Matter



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