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Atomic stereophotograph of intercalation compound Fe$$_{1/3}$$NbS$$_{2}$$


Guo, F. Z.*; 松下 智裕*; 小林 啓介*; 松井 文彦*; 加藤 有香子*; 大門 寛*; 小矢野 幹夫*; 山村 泰久*; 辻 利秀*; 斎藤 祐児  

Guo, F. Z.*; Matsushita, Tomohiro*; Kobayashi, Keisuke*; Matsui, Fumihiko*; Kato, Yukako*; Daimon, Hiroshi*; Koyano, Mikio*; Yamamura, Yasuhisa*; Tsuji, Toshihide*; Saito, Yuji


Stereoatomscope was used to study the atomic arrangements of intercalation compound Fe$$_{1/3}$$NbS$$_{2}$$. The three-dimensional atomic arrangements around different kinds of atoms (Nb and Fe) are visualized by taking the photoelectron angular distribution (PEAD) patterns at clockwise and counterclockwise circularly polarized lights. Atomic distances between the emitters and the scatterers are obtained from the PEAD patterns by measuring the rotation angles of the forward focusing peaks. The applications of stereoatomscope to intercalation compound show the possibility to build an ultimate microscope for scientist.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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