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 年 ~ 

幌延深地層研究計画; 平成19年度調査研究計画

Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory project investigation program for the 2007 fiscal year

松井 裕哉 ; 中山 雅 ; 真田 祐幸; 山口 雄大

Matsui, Hiroya; Nakayama, Masashi; Sanada, Hiroyuki; Yamaguchi, Takehiro


As part of the research and development program on geological disposal of HLW, the Horonobe Underground Research Center, a division of the JAEA is implementing the Horonobe URL Project with the aim of investigating sedimentary rock formations. The Horonobe URL Project is planned to extend over a period of 20 years. The investigations will be conducted in three phases. In the 2007 fiscal year, investigations in Geoscientific Research is continuously carried out. Investigations in R&D on Geological Disposal Technology is also continuously carried out. Construction of the underground facilities is ongoing at Ventilation Shaft and Access Shaft (East). Pre-boring around Ventilation Shaft is also carried out. Construction of the Public Information House and preparation of the exhibits are still continuing and will be completed in May 2007. Public Information House will be scheduled to open in summer. An execution design will be drawn up for the International Communication House.



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