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Consideration of the synthesis of superheavy elements based on nuclear data

Takano, Masatoshi*; Tachibana, Takahiro*; Koura, Hiroyuki   

We discuss the synthesis of superheavy elements, heavier than the iron, in the cosmos from a viewpoint of the study for nuclear data. Estimation of nuclear reactions in the synthesis of the superheavy elements requires nuclear data as nuclear masses, beta-decay rates, nuclear reaction rates, etc. Especially, almost the nuclear data related to the r-process are absent in the current experiment, therefore many theoretical predictions of these nuclei are required. Some typical nuclear mass models, however, give different predictions in the unknown neutron-rich nuclei; therefore the result of the r-process calculations fully depends on the mass models adopted. We review the properties of the various mass models and discuss the dependencies of them. Furthermore, we present our theoretical estimation of existence of doubly magic superheavy nucleus with Z=114 and N=184 producing by the r-process nucleosynthesis, and discuss the possibility of observation of the nucleus in the cosmic-ray.



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