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Report No.

A Dinuclear Ni($$mu$$-H)Ru complex derived from H$$_{2}$$

Ogo, Seiji*; Kabe, Ryota*; Uehara, Keiji*; Kure, Bunsho*; Nishimura, Takashi*; Menon, S. C.*; Harada, Ryosuke*; Fukuzumi, Shunichi*; Higuchi, Yoshiki*; Ohara, Takashi   ; Tamada, Taro; Kuroki, Ryota

A novel dinuclear nickel-ruthenium complex with a bridging hydrido ligand, a Ni($$mu$$-H)Ru complex, was obtained from the reaction of a dinuclear NiRu aqua complex with dihydrogen (H$$_{2}$$) in water under ambient conditions. The structure of the Ni($$mu$$-H)Ru complex was unequivocally determined by neutron analysis. This is the first crystal structure of (six-coordinated Ni)($$mu$$-H)M (M=transition metal atoms) that is similar to the core structure of the proposed active form of the [NiFe]hydrogenase.



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Category:Multidisciplinary Sciences



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