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Progress of data processing system in JT-60 utilizing the UNIX-based workstations

坂田 信也; 清野 公広; 大島 貴幸; 佐藤 稔; 小関 隆久

Sakata, Shinya; Kiyono, Kimihiro; Oshima, Takayuki; Sato, Minoru; Ozeki, Takahisa


JT-60 data processing system (DPS) possesses three-level hierarchy. At the top level of hierarchy is JT-60 inter-shot processor (MSP-ISP), which is a mainframe computer, provides communication with the JT-60 supervisory control system and supervises the internal communication inside the DPS. The middle level of hierarchy has minicomputers and the bottom level of hierarchy has individual diagnostic subsystems, which consist of the CAMAC and VME modules. To meet the demand for advanced diagnostics, the DPS has been progressed in stages from a three-level hierarchy system, which was dependent on the processing power of the MSP-ISP, to a two-level hierarchy system, which is decentralized data processing system (New-DPS) by utilizing the UNIX-based workstations and network technology. This replacement had been accomplished, and the New-DPS has been started to operate in October 2005.



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