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Report No.

Criticality accident evaluation for MOX powder system

Yamane, Yuichi  ; Takahashi, Satoshi*; Yamamoto, Toshihiro*; Miyoshi, Yoshinori

Some criticality accident scenarios for MOX powder system were made based on the information of Rokkasho plant. For the mixture of two types of MOX powders which enrichment were different from each other, it was shown that mixing of powders could give rise to $$k_{eff}$$ greater than 0.95 for the case with more then 13.6kg of zinc stearate. For such case, the progress of criticality accident was considered and divided into three cases, and a kinetics analysis was done for a typical condition in each case using several kinetics codes. The comparison of those results showed that total fission yield for MOX powder system is about 1 - 2 $$times$$ $$10^{18}$$ fission.



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