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Report No.

Validation of neutronics calculation codes for VHTR nuclear design using HTTR experimental data

Goto, Minoru  ; Nakagawa, Shigeaki  ; Takamatsu, Kuniyoshi  ; Takeda, Tetsuaki

In order to validate applicability of neutronics calculation codes for a nuclear design of the VHTR, analysis of the core characteristics were performed for the HTTR. Additionally, effects of difference of nuclear data libraries on the core calculations for the HTTR were studied for JENDL (Japan), ENDF/B (U.S.A.) and JEFF (Europe). The calculation result of the HTTR excess reactivity at room temperature condition by the MVP was in good agreement with the experimental data within 0.4%$$Delta$$k/k and that by the SRAC, meanwhile, overestimated the experimental data about 1.5%$$Delta$$k/k. In consequence of the comparison between the HTTR core calculation results performed by the MVP and the experimental data, JENDL-3.3, ENDF/B-VI.8 and JEFF-3.1 yielded the excess reactivity agreement with the experiments within 0.4%$$Delta$$k/k, 0.7%$$Delta$$k/k and 0.7%$$Delta$$k/k, respectively.



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