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Report No.

Status of J-PARC muon science facility at the year of 2005

Miyake, Yasuhiro*; Nishiyama, Kusuo*; Kawamura, Naritoshi*; Makimura, Shunsuke*; Strasser, P.*; Shimomura, Koichiro*; Beveridge, J. L.*; Kadono, Ryosuke*; Fukuchi, Koichi*; Sato, Nobuhiko*; Ueno, Kenji*; Higemoto, Wataru  ; Ishida, Katsuhiko*; Matsuzaki, Teiichiro*; Watanabe, Isao*; Matsuda, Yasuyuki*; Iwasaki, Masahiko*; Nakamura, Satoshi*; Doornbos, J.*; Nagamine, Kanetada*

The construction of the Materials and Life Science building was started in the beginning of the fiscal year of 2004. After commissioning of the accelerator and beam transport sections in 2008, muon beams will be available for users in 2009. In this letter, the latest construction status of the J-PARC Muon Science Facility is reported.



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Category:Physics, Condensed Matter



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