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Report No.

Current status of IBARAKI biological diffractometer in J-PARC; Detector configuration and data reduction

Kusaka, Katsuhiro; Ohara, Takashi   ; Tanaka, Ichiro*; Niimura, Nobuo*; Kurihara, Kazuo; Hosoya, Takaaki; Ozeki, Tomoji*; Aizawa, Kazuya  ; Morii, Yukio; Arai, Masatoshi; Hayashi, Makoto*; Ebata, Kazuhiro*; Takano, Yoshiki*

Ibaraki prefecture has started to construct IBARAKI biological crystal diffractometer for industrial use at MLF, J-PARC. It is designed to achieve the efficiency which is more than 50 times larger than the present high performance diffractometer BIX-4. To realize this performance, the diffractometer will be installed on a coupled moderator has more intense peak but wider pulse shape than a decoupled one. It is expected that some neighbor Bragg spots will overlap partially each other along the time axis. We should develop the data reduction software system for the diffractometer including the program of peak de-convolution with fast algorism. The detector configuration should be also important to realize high performance for measurement speed and data accuracy. The strategy of data collection, the strategy of de-convoluting overlapped Bragg spots and its validity will be reported based on the results of the simulations with the original programs.



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