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Report No.

Proton exchange membranes for fuel cell applications prepared by ion track technology

Yamaki, Tetsuya; Kozone, Yuichi*; Hiroki, Akihiro; Hosoi, Katsuhiko*; Asano, Masaharu; Kubota, Hitoshi*; Yoshida, Masaru

Proton exchange membranes for use in fuel cells were prepared our original ion-track technology, which involves (1) the swift heavy ion irradiation of polyvinylidene fluoride films and subsequent chemical etching to obtain cylindrical pores, and (2) the filling of proton-conducting polymer chains into the etched pores by $$gamma$$-ray-induced graft polymerization. We found that the membranes possessed one-dimensional straight proton conducting pathways parallel to the ion-beam incident axis. Such restricted structures probably led to less water uptake and lower methanol permeability compared to a commercially-available Nafion membrane.



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