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Report No.

Alteration of resistance to black Sigatoka (${it Mycosphaerella fijiensis}$ Morelet) in banana by ${it in vitro}$ irradiation using carbon ion-beam

Reyes-Borja, W. O.*; Sotomayor, I.*; Garz$'o$n, I.*; Vera, D.*; Cede$~n$o, M.*; Castillo, B.*; Tanaka, Atsushi; Hase, Yoshihiro; Sekozawa, Yoshihiko*; Sugaya, Sumiko*; Gemma, Hiroshi*

Carbon-ion beam was applied to explants of banana "Cavendish Enano" and "Williams" cultivars, in order to study the critical doses, genetic variability and response to black Sigatoka disease; doses employed were: 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128 Gy. Biological effect of each dose on height (cm), weight (g), survival rate (%) was recorded. For black Sigatoka assessment on regenerated plants, the disease development period (DDP-days), infection index (II-%) and leaf disc necrotic area (LDNA-%) by juglone toxin were measured. As results, the mortality was increased in explants exposed to higher doses. Weight and height were reduced by doses of 16-128 Gy. Six plants of "Williams" (code number: "W16II74", "W128I67", "W1II148", "W8II13", "W1II19" and "W1II31") and two plants of "Cavendish Enano" (code numbers: "CE4II30" and "CE64I5") were selected as candidates by virtue of being less affected by the disease and by the toxin.



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Category:Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology



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