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Report No.

Softening of magnetic excitations leading to pressure-induced quantum phase transition in gapped spin system KCuCl$$_{3}$$

Goto, Kenji*; Osakabe, Toyotaka  ; Kakurai, Kazuhisa; Uwatoko, Yoshiya*; Osawa, Akira*; Kawakami, Jun*; Tanaka, Hidekazu*

The neutron scattering investigation on magnetic excitations in KCuCl$$_{3}$$ under applied pressure was performed. The softening of the excitation mode at a hydrostatic pressure of 4.7kbar was clearly observed. From the analysis of the dispersion relations, it was found that the intradimer interaction decreases under hydrostatic pressure, while most of the interdimer interactions increase.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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