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Report No.

Benchmarking of calculated projectile fragmentation cross-sections using the 3-D, MC codes PHITS, FLUKA, HETC-HEDS, MCNPX_HI, and NUCFRG2

Sihver, L.*; Mancusi, D.*; Niita, Koji*; Sato, Tatsuhiko   ; Townsend, L.*; Farmer, C.*; Pinsky, L.*; Ferrari, A.*; Cerutti, F.*; Gomes, I.*

A reliable and accurate particle and heavy ion transport code is an essential implement in the design study of accelerator facilities as well as for other various applications such as, spallation neutron sources, rare isotopes production, and radiation protection. Today several particle and heavy ion MC transport codes exist, e.g. PHITS, HETC-HEDS, SHIELD-HIT, GEANT4, FLUKA, and MCNPX. In this paper, we present an extensive bench marking of the calculated projectile fragmentation cross sections from the reactions of 200-1000 MeV/n $$^{4}$$He, $$^{12}$$C, $$^{4}$$N, $$^{6}$$O, $$^{20}$$Ne, $$^{28}$$Si,$$^{40}$$Ar, and $$^{56}$$Fe, which are relevant to space radioprotection, using PHITS, FLUKA, HETC-HEDS, and MCNPX_HI, against measurements performed by C. Zeitlin et al, at LBNL. The influence of the different models used in the different transport codes on the calculated results is discussed.



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Category:Engineering, Aerospace



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