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High-energy, diode-pumped, picosecond Yb:YAG chirped-pulse regenerative amplifier for pumping optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification

Akahane, Yutaka; Aoyama, Makoto; Ogawa, Kanade; Tsuji, Koichi; Tokita, Shigeki*; Kawanaka, Junji*; Nishioka, Hajime*; Yamakawa, Koichi

A diode-pumped, cryogenic-cooled Yb:YAG regenerative amplifier utilizing gain-narrowing has been developed. A 1.2-ns chirped-seed pulse was amplified and compressed in the regenerative amplifier, simultaneously, which generated a 35-ps pulse with $$sim$$8-mJ of energy without a pulse compressor. Second-harmonics of the amplified pulse was used to pump picosecond two-color optical parametric amplification.



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