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Report No.

EXAFS and XANES studies of americium dioxide with fluorite structure

Nishi, Tsuyoshi; Nakada, Masami  ; Ito, Akinori; Suzuki, Chikashi ; Hirata, Masaru ; Akabori, Mitsuo

EXAFS and XANES analysis were applied in a study of americium dioxide (AmO$$_{2}$$) with fluorite structure. EXAFS result for Am-L$$_{3}$$ absorption edge of AmO$$_{2}$$ was good agreement with the long-ranged structural data from X-ray diffraction analysis. In order to characterize XANES in aspect of the electronic structure, the theoretical assignment for the AmO$$_{2}$$ was performed with the relativistic DV-X$$alpha$$ molecular orbital method. The calculated XANES spectrum well reproduced the experimental spectrum. The theoretical assignment of the XANES spectra is very useful for the development of MA-MOX fuel for the future nuclear fuel cycle.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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