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Report No.

2D elemental analysis approach in focused neutron beam induced prompt $$gamma$$-ray analysis at JAEA

Segawa, Mariko   ; Matsue, Hideaki ; Sekiya, Yuji*; Yamada, Satoru*; Shinohara, Takenao   ; Oku, Takayuki   ; Suzuki, Junichi; Shimizu, Hirohiko*

Since neutron has the stronger penetration power than those for charged particles, the 2 dimensional prompt $$gamma$$-ray analysis methods with use of neutron beam is the only way enables the nondestructive, isotopic and position dependent observation on small quantities of samples. Hence, we aimed at developing 2 dimensional prompt $$gamma$$-ray analysis systems in focused neutron beam at JAEA with a high resolution within a 1 mm. The neutron beam is 0.6mm FWHM focused and collimated with use of a multi-channel parabolic guide and a 6LiF collimator set at 90 cm and 1.5 cm upstream with respect to the neutron beam from sample position, respectively. The sample could be stepping drive with 0.1 mm. In this study, we succeed for increasing the position resolution within 1 mm, since we could split two neutron captured $$gamma$$-ray peaks from two minute Cd wire-sample, the diameter is 0.25 mmphi and the length is 5 mm, set at 1mm intervals.



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