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Report No.

Development of long-life vitrification melter, 5; Characterization of vitrified waste

Sasage, Kenichi; Miyauchi, Atsushi; Morikawa, Yo; Yamashita, Teruo ; Shiotsuki, Masao

Viscosity and specific resistivity of simulated waste glass was measured to investigate characterization of waste glass processed by the long-life vitrification melter. The composition of the simulated waste glass was varied based on 8 cases of assumed spent fuel conditions and reprocessing flows including reprocessing of FBR fuel with minor actinides separation. The viscosity of the sample glasses was from 0.5 to 1.8 times that of waste glass with standard composition. The specific resistivity of the sample glasses was from 0.5 to 1.5 times that of standard waste glass.



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