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R&D project on irradiation damage management technology for structural materials of long-life nuclear plant, 2; Plan and execution of coupling irradiation (JRR-3 and JOYO) and Hot facilities work (WASTEF, JMTR-HL, MMF and FMF)

Matsui, Yoshinori ; Nabeya, Hideaki; Kusunoki, Tsuyoshi ; Takahashi, Hiroyuki; Aizawa, Masao; Nakata, Masahito; Numata, Masami; Usami, Koji; Endo, Shinya; Ito, Kazuhiro ; Iwamatsu, Shigemi; Yonekawa, Minoru ; Kitamura, Ryoichi; Yamamoto, Masaya; Abe, Kazuyuki; Yoshikawa, Katsunori; Yoshitake, Tsunemitsu ; Kikuchi, Taiji; Ishikawa, Kazuyoshi; Aoto, Kazumi 

We are proceeding with the study of "R&D Project on Irradiation Damage Management Technology for Structural Materials of Long-life Nuclear Plant". For the study, it is important that the irradiated specimens are gotten by the coupling of JRR-3 and JOYO. This reports the total irradiation plan in the study, and the executed work for the coupling irradiation (JRR-3 and JOYO) including the Hot facilities work of Tokai and Oarai in the 2006 fiscal year.



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