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Report No.

Thermal stress evaluation of tubesheet structures for double-wall-tube steam generators of FBRs, 2; Large-scale thermal stress analysis

Hazama, Osamu; Araya, Fumimasa

A new concept of double-wall-tube steam generator (SG) is being introduced and investigated as an innovative technology to realize next-generation sodium-cooled Fast Breeder Reactors (FBRs) for commercialization. This new concept is posing great challenges in the engineering design of a tubesheet which must bundle over 7000 double-wall tubes under severe mechanical and thermal loads. R&D efforts concerning the development of a feasible design and establishment of design-by-analysis methods for the new-concept tubesheet structure have been begun at JAEA. As a first step, an attempt at identifying the high stress locations and their magnitudes through large-scale numerical simulations using geometrical models in accord with reality are reported.



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